Lucca Biennale Outdoor
LUBICA – Lucca Biennale Cartasia is the world’s biggest art event dedicated to paper art. The Biennale takes place every two years, in 2022 it will be held from the 31st of July until September the 25th. The Biennale is looking for emerging and affirmed artists to work in Lucca, Tuscany, during an artistic residency in July 2022. This call for entries aims to select artworks that involve the use of paper and its by-products to show how versatile this material is: artists that work with cardboard and paper are encouraged to participate in the contest with a challenging and innovative project for a monumental sculpture. The selected artworks will be exhibited in the most popular squares of the city during the event and will then become part of the Biennale’s permanent exhibition.
“The White Page” is the theme of the XI edition
“White page” has a double-sided message: could represent endless opportunities and at the same time the anxiety of it all, the possibility of a brighter future and a leap of faith into the unknown, a white page is a bridge between the past and the future.
The deadline for submitting projects for the Outdoor section is set for October 31st, 2021.
To participate in the call, it is necessary to fill in the forms downloadable on this page and register by paying the sum of € 20.00. For any doubts and information, you can contact the organization of the Biennale at the email address info@luccabiennale.com.
Hourly Schedule
Day 1
- Registration Deadline
- Submission Deadline